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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ginger: The Wonder Herb

We Indians love to have ginger in all our foods and most importantly tea. I don’t drink tea as such because it causes havoc to our body’s metabolic system but I never say no for a Ginger Masala tea.  

This herb is known to have come directly from the Eden Garden. Widely used by the ancient Romans, Ginger promotes the circulation of energy in the body and also increases the metabolism rate of your body. It has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000 years and helps to prevent and cure various health problems.

Some ginger facts that we never knew are

  • Ginger root is a rhizome and not a root
  • China, Asia, Brazil, Jamaica and Nigeria are some of the major producers of Ginger
  • Ginger with honey helps to treat respiratory problems much better than any other concoction
  • Ginger plant grows to about 30 to 60 cm

Why Ginger is beneficial for Health?

  • Ginger is an effective herb to cure cold, amenorrhea, flu, cataracts, heart disease, stroke, migraines, athlete's foot, chronic fatigue, depression, coughs, fever, dizziness, infertility issues, erectile difficulties, kidney stone and viral infections, among others
  • Chromium, Magnesium and Zinc in Ginger helps to improve blood flow and prevent fever and excessive sweat.
  • People suffering from Motion Sickness must take ginger in some form. It offers immense benefits.
  • The wonder herb improves your body’s potential of absorbing essential nutrients and stimulates gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion.
  • Ginger aids digestion and avoids the problems of stomach ache by improving the food absorption quality.
  • Ginger slows down the growth of colorectal cancer cells. So raise your thumbs for ginger infused food items.
  • It reduces pain and Inflammation and works as a natural painkiller.
  • Ginger powder induces the death of ovarian cancer cells.
  • Ginger effectively improves the immune system, so have a bit of ginger in a day halts the potential risk of stroke by slowing down the deposits of fats in the arteries. Moreover, the herb declines bacterial infection in stomach, and combats bad cough and throat irritation effectively.
  • Ginger herb effectively combats Morning Sickness.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger bring instant relief to painful aching joints. Rub on some ginger essential oil in your bath water and see the magic.

1 comment:

  1. great blog and tips...keep writing visit my blog too


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